Description: Scandent shrubs or woody climbers. Leaves trifoliolate; leaflets sessile, ovate to oblong-lanceolate. Panicles axillary. Flowers white or greenish-yellow. Fruit sub globose, apiculate, glandular; seeds 3 or 4, sub reniform.
Habit: Climbers/Lianas
Habitat: Evergreen and shola forests
Flowering & Fruiting: September-July
Parts used: Root, leaves, flowers and fruits
Properties & Uses: Aromatic, bitter, pungent, antiperiodic, stomachic and antipyretic. Root bark is an anti-malarial drug. An infusion of the root bark is used to treat diarrhea and debility during convalescence after febrile. Fresh leaves are used to treat pain in bowels. Decoction of leaves and stems is used to treat fever. Fresh fruits are used to treat head ache.
Systems of Medicines:
Ayurveda, Folk,
Traditional Uses:Leaf decoction is used to cure cough and cold.