Description: Large trees. Leaves simple, opposite or alternate, clustered at the tip of branchlets. Flowers bisexual, greenish-yellow, in axillary spikes; peduncle puberulus. Fruit a drupe; seed one, ellipsoid.
Habit: Tree
Habitat: Semi-evergreen and moist deciduous forests, also in the plains
Flowering & Fruiting: December-January
Parts used: Fruit
Properties & Uses: Laxative and anthelmintic. The fruit is used to treat bronchitis, sore throat, biliousness, inflammation, asthma and diseases of eye, nose, heart and bladder. The fruit pulp is used to treat dropsy, piles, diarrhea and leprosy.
Systems of Medicines:
Ayurveda, Folk, Unani,
Traditional Uses:Bark decoction taken internally to promote urination.