State Medicinal Plants Board (SMPB) Kerala

Putranjiva roxburghii Wall.

  • Family: Putranjivaceae
  • Vernacular names: Poothilanji, Ponkalam, Puthrajeevi, പുത്രാൻജീവ (Malayalam), Officinal Drypetes (English), Putranjiva (Sanskrit), Jiaputa (Hindi), Pongolam, Putra coki (Tamil)
  • Distribution: Indo-Malesia
  • Description: Small trees. Leaves simple, alternate, caducous. Flowers unisexual, small, yellow; male sessile, in axillary spikes, female solitary or in 2 or 3, axillary. Fruit a drupe; seed one, crustaceous.
  • Habit: Tree
  • Habitat: Deciduous forests, also in sacred groves
  • Flowering & Fruiting: March-August

  • Parts used: Bark, leaves and fruit
  • Properties & Uses: Aphrodisiac, laxative and diuretic. The decoction of leaves, fruits and seeds are used to treat cold, fever and rheumatism. The leaves and seeds are used to relieve burning sensation, thirst and constipation.
  • Systems of Medicines: Ayurveda,
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