Description: Woody climbers. Leaves 3-foliolate. Flowers dark purple, in axillary tomentose, pendulous racemes. Pods linear-oblong, curved, densely covered with irritant bristly hairs; seeds ovoid, brown or black.
Habit: Climbers/Lianas
Habitat: In secondary forests at low altitudes, also in the plains
Flowering & Fruiting: October-February
Parts used: Root, seeds, leaves and fruit hairs
Properties & Uses: Aphrodisiac, diuretic, purgative and anthelmintic. Root and seeds promote sexual vigour and strength. Roots are used in constipation, dropsy, ulcers and fever. Leaves are used for the treatment of ulcers, inflammations and general debility. Fruit hairs are used as vermifuge.
Systems of Medicines:
Ayurveda, Folk, Unani, Homeo,