Distribution: Cultivated throughout India and many tropical countries.
Description: Small trees. Leaves tri-pinnate, tomentose, pinnae and pinnules opposite, rachis thickened. Flowers white. Fruit to 50 cm, 9-ribbed; seeds winged.
Habit: Tree
Habitat: Cultivated
Flowering & Fruiting: November-March
Parts used: Root, bark, leaves, fruits and seeds
Properties & Uses: Whole plant is antirheumatic, anti-inflammatory, carminative, aphrodisiac and diuretic. Fruits and leaves are used to improve appetite, digestion, promote semen, cure heart and eye diseases, paralytic disorders, epilepsy and asthma. An infusion of root is used to treat asthma, gout, rheumatism and inflammations. Leaves are rich in vitamin A & C and are used to treat scurvy and catarrhal affections. Leaves pastes are applied externally to promote healing of wounds. Leaf juice is a strong antibacterial. Flowers are used as aphrodisiac and diuretic. Fruits pod is used to treat diseases of liver, spleen and articular pain.