Description: Tendrillate climbers. Leaves orbicular-cordate, 5-7-lobed. Flowers yellow, axillary, solitary. Fruit oblong, echinate; seeds ovoid, compressed, base and apex sub tridentate, sculptured.
Habit: Climbers/Lianas
Habitat: Cultivated
Flowering & Fruiting: October-January
Parts used: Whole plant
Properties & Uses: Anti-diabetic, anthelmintic, laxative and anti-rheumatic. The fruits are used for the treatment of fever, cough, asthma, bronchitis, intestinal worms, ulcers, skin diseases, piles, anemia, jaundice, leprosy, burning sensation, inflammation, impurity of breast milk, obstructions of the liver and spleen. Roots are used to treat ophthalmia and prolapse of the vagina.