Description: Medium trees. Leaves simple, alternate, spiral, stipulate. Flowers bisexual, white, fragrant, 1-3 in axillary fascicles. Fruit a berry, yellow, ovoid, fleshy; seeds usually 1, oblong-ellipsoid.
Habit: Tree
Habitat: Semi-evergreen and evergreen forests, also grown in homesteads
Flowering & Fruiting: December-August
Parts used: Bark, flowers and fruits
Properties & Uses: Bark, flowers, fruits and seeds are astringent, cooling, anthelmintic, tonic, and febrifuge. Seeds are used to treat chronic constipation in children. Fruits are useful in dysentery. Dried flowers are used for the treatment of head ache and pains. Flowers and fruits are used to treat wounds and ulcers. Bark is used to treat fertility in women, and its decoction is used as a gargle for treating gum and tooth diseases and as remedy for diarrhea.