Description: Rhizomatous herbs. Leaves 2 or 3; lamina broadly ovate to orbicular. Inflorescence sessile, 6-12 or more flowered, imbricating leaf sheaths. Flowers white with purple lip.
Habit: Herb
Habitat: Cultivated
Flowering & Fruiting: April-September
Parts used: Rhizomes
Properties & Uses: Tubers are stimulant, expectorant, diuretic and carminative. Rhizhome powder mixed with honey and taken internally to cure coughs and asthma. Powdered tuber is used as a hair wash in dandruff. Leaf juice is used for the treatment of sore eyes, sore throat, swellings, rheumatism and fevers. Rhizome juice is useful in toothache. In paralysis rhizome paste is applied on legs and arms. Rhizome paste is applied on forehead to cure headache.