Description: Subshrubs, strigose-hispid, with sharp thorns. Leaves in whorls of 8, unequal, linear-lanceolate, margins dentate and wavy, sessile. Thorns axillary. Flowers pink, in axillary whorls. Capsule 1 cm long; seeds orbicular.
Habit: Shrub
Habitat: Paddy fields and other moist localities
Flowering & Fruiting: September-April
Parts used: Seeds, root and leaves
Properties & Uses: Anti-inflammatory, aphrodisiac, diuretic and antirheumatic. Seeds and roots promote sexual vigour, rejuvenating and also used as a liver tonic. They are also useful in gonorrhea, arresting abortion, burning sensation, dysentery, rheumatism and general debility. Leaves are used in eye diseases, jaundice and cough