Description: Medium trees, bole buttressed. Leaves simple, alternate. Flowers unisexual; inflorescence a syconia, on short leafless branches or warty tubercles of trunk or on larger branches; flowers of unisexual, 4 kinds; male flowers near the mouth of receptacles; female flowers sessile or very shortly stalked among gall flowers. Syconium orange, pink or dark crimson; achene granulate.
Habit: Tree
Habitat: Semi-evergreen and deciduous forests, also in the plains.
Flowering & Fruiting: February-May
Parts used: Root, bark, leaves, fruits and latex
Properties & Uses: Carminative, antidysenteric, vulnerary and cooling. Root is useful in hydrophobia. Ripe fruit is used for the treatment of blood diseases, burning sensations, fatigue, urinary discharges, thirst, leprosy, menorrhagia, nose bleeding and intestinal worm. Bark is useful in asthma and piles. Milky latex is used to treat piles and diarrhea, externally used for the treatment of healing ulcers. Bark and roots are used for the treatment of skin diseases, dysentery, wounds, ulcers, diabetic, diarrhea and dyspepsia. Bark, latex and fruits are used to treat constipation, anemia and dysentery..
Systems of Medicines:
Ayurveda, Folk, Unani,
Traditional Uses:Young fruits boiled with other leafy vegetables and eaten for treating constipation. Latex is used externally to heal ulcers.