Distribution: Native in the Himalayan region, cultivated in many tropical and subtropical countries.
Description: Prostrate twiners. Leaves broad, entire or palmately 5-lobed, margin bi-denticulate. Flowers yellow, in axilliary fascicles, solitary. Fruit oblong, yellowish green; seeds 8, oblong.
Habit: Climbers/Lianas
Habitat: Cultivated
Flowering & Fruiting: November-May
Parts used: Fruit and seeds
Properties & Uses: Anti-pyretic, diuretic, nutritive and purgative. Fruits are used for the treatment of hyperdipsia, burning sensation, fever, bronchitis, jaundice and general debility. Seeds are used in fever, constipation, retention of urea, urinary calculi and general debility.
Systems of Medicines:
Ayurveda, Folk, Unani, Tibetan.