State Medicinal Plants Board (SMPB) Kerala

Cleistanthus collinus (Roxb.) Benth. ex Hook. f.

  • Family: Euphorbiaceae
  • Vernacular names: Odugu, Odaku, ഒടുക്ക് (Malayalam), Toxic Gooseberry (English), Indrayava (Sanskrit), Garari (Hindi), Otuvankaay (Tamil)
  • Distribution: South Asia
  • Description: Deciduous trees, to 15 m high. Leaves simple, alternate, distichous, elliptic, suborbicular, obovate or acute, apex round, retuse or apiculate, glabrous. Flowers unisexual, yellowish-green, in glomerules borne on main leafy branches and short lateral branchlet; the male 3-5 flowered; females up to 3 flowers. Male flowers puberulous, calyx tube shortly obconic, lobes 5; petals 5;. Female flowers: grey-pilose; calyx tube obconic, triangular-lanceolate; petals subulate. Fruit a capsule, 18-20 x 17-20 mm, subglobose or wide oblong, truncate at apex, shallowly 3 lobed and 3-angled, glossy, glabrous, pale brown, pedicels 0.5-1.5 mm long; seeds 3, globose, black.
  • Habit: Tree
  • Habitat: Deciduous forests
  • Flowering & Fruiting: December-November

  • Parts used:
  • Properties & Uses: It is Poisonous plant
  • Systems of Medicines: Folk,
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