Description: Woody climbers; stem often spinescent, terete, green. Cladodes in clusters, linear-falcate, slightly triquetrous, base narrow. Racemes slender, axillary, solitary or clustered. Flowers bisexual, White. Fruit a berry, globose, purple on ripening.
Habit: Climbers/Lianas
Habitat: All forest types, also in the plains
Flowering & Fruiting: July-August
Parts used: Tuberous root
Properties & Uses: Bitter, cooling, constipating, aphrodisiac, diuretic, rejuvenative, carminative and antispasmodic. Root is used for the treatment of nervous disorders, dyspepsia, diarrhea, dysentery, tumours, inflammations, burning sensation, throat infections, cough, bronchitis, gleet, gonorrhea, leprosy, epilepsy, cardiac debility, hypertension and general debility.
Systems of Medicines:
Ayurveda, Folk, Unani,
Traditional Uses:Leaves made into paste and mixed with warm water are used to cure scabies. Powdered roots mixed with milk taken internally by women after delivery to improve health.