Vernacular names:
Kuppamanjal, കുപ്പമഞ്ഞള് (Malayalam), Brazilian cress, Para cress (English), Akal kara (Sanskrit), Ukra (Hindi),
Distribution: Native of South America
Description: Herbs. Leaves triangular or triangular-ovate, obtuse at apex. Heads often 2 colored, yellow and reddish-brown, discoid, solitary axillary. Receptacle conical to oblong. Achenes monomorphic, up to 2 mm long, laterally compressed, ciliate at edges; pappus of 2 or 1 bristle or absent.
Habit: Herb
Habitat: Cultivated
Flowering & Fruiting: Throughout the year
Parts used: Whole plant
Properties & Uses: The whole plant is acrid, the flower head is used to cure headache, paralysis, affections of throat and gums. The tincture of fresh and dried plant is used to relieve toothache and gum troubles, and is taken internally to treat gout and bladder pain.